Zapier works by connecting to your apps and services to receive and send data. When an app's server responds to a request from Zapier, an HTTP status code is sent to Zapier. You might see an error code when you create a Zap. Below you can find the error codes you may receive and what they mean.
Types of Error Codes
Any HTTP status codes you receive that being with either a 4 or 5 (IE: 401, 503, etc) are error codes.
400-series Error Codes
Any Error codes that you receive between 400 and 499 are errors caused by the client, which takes place when the error occurs on Zapier’s end.
- 400 Bad Request: The Zap you created is likely missing a required field, or a field value wasn't in the proper format. For example, if a field in the "action" step is expecting an email address, but the value provided is a name, the app may return a 400 error.
- 401 Unauthorized: This error occurs if Zapier can't connect to your app account because either your password was changed or Zapier's access has been revoked.
- 403 Forbidden: The app account Zapier is trying to connect to doesn't have permission to complete this step. For example, you might have permission to add new contacts in your app account, but not to send emails to contacts.
- 404 Not Found: A field parameter is missing or Zapier is not able to find the information in the app it's trying to connect with. For example, an action that will send an email to a contact who completes a form may encounter a 404 error if the form submission doesn't include an email address.
- 405 Method Not Allowed: The app that Zapier is trying to connect to is experiencing an unspecified problem.
- 408 Request Timed Out: The app that Zapier is trying to connect to is temporarily unavailable or experiencing high traffic.
- 409 Conflict: The record that is in the process of being updated or used is currently in use or is being updated elsewhere (often by another user in the app account).
- 410 Gone: Data is missing
- 414 URL Too Long: The URL that is being sent is too long.
- 415 Unsupported Media Type: Expecting a certain file type but instead received a different file type
- 422 Unprocessable Entity: The Zap likely has a field value with the correct format but may have a typo or other issue that isn't expected by the app
- 429 Too Many Requests: The Zap is likely asking for or sending information to the app too frequently within a given timeframe.
500-series Error Codes
Error codes that you receive in the 500 series are server errors. These errors happen when the app’s server is down or experiencing other issues.
- 500, 501, 502, 503 Server Errors: These are generic 500 series codes and can happen when the app’s server is currently down or experiencing other issues.
- 504 Gateway Timeout: This error occurs when there is more data (EX: a large spreadsheet) than Zapier is able to obtain within the timeout window.
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