The Lesson History by Student Table can be found under the Calendar tab by going to Calendar > Lesson History by Student. This table contains information about each student lesson on your Calendar.
Columns on the Table
The Lesson History by Student Table contains the following columns:
- Date: This column displays the date of a student's lesson.
- Start: This column displays the start time of the lesson.
- Lesson Name: This column displays the title of the lesson.
- Teacher: This column displays the teacher assigned to the lesson.
- Cost: This column displays the cost of the lesson that is billed to the customer.
- Invoice: This column displays the invoice a lesson has been included on. Please note that this column will be blank if a) the lesson hasn't been invoiced yet, or b) the student's profile billing method is set to "Package" or use "Flat Fee," in which case their individual lessons aren't included on an invoice.
- Notes: This column displays a "Yes" or "No" message indicating if lesson notes have been recorded for the lesson.
- Status: This column displays a lesson's status.
- Check Mark Column: A green check mark indicates a lesson has been completed. A grey check mark indicates a lesson hasn't yet been completed. Users can click the check mark to access the Complete Lesson Form for the lesson.
The following filters can be applied to the Lesson History by Student Table:
- Date: Lessons on or inside of the selected dates will be displayed in the table.
- Status Filter: This filter allows you to filter the table based on lesson status. If you've added custom lesson statuses using the Custom Lesson Statuses Add-On, they'll be displayed when filtered by the standard Teachworks status they've been mapped onto (i.e. Attended, Cancelled, or Missed). You can also filter by "Unsent Notes" to view lessons that have notes recorded for them that haven't been sent to the customer.
- Invoice Status: This filter allows you to display lessons based on the invoice status of the lesson. Please note that Package/Flat Fees lessons will appear uninvoiced, since those lessons aren't individually added to an invoice.
Downloading the Table
The Lesson History by Student Table can be downloaded as a spreadsheet by clicking the "Download Lessons" link on the right side of the page. If you've applied filters to the table before downloading, only the filtered results will be included on the spreadsheet.
- Click the "Format" button in the upper right corner of Numbers.
- Click the "Cell" option at the top of the "Format" sidebar.
- Select the column with the dates.
- In sidebar under "Data Format" select "Date & Time"
Suggested Uses for the Table
The Lesson History by Student Table is a helpful resource for viewing high level information related to student lessons, but the table is also a helpful tool for completing other management tasks as well.
Viewing Uninvoiced Lessons: If you bill your customers using an hourly billing method, lessons are added to an invoice when you create an invoice using the "Lessons by Date" option. This allows you to use the Invoice Status filter on the Lesson History by Student table to easily check if a lesson has been included on an invoice, and what the status of that invoice is (i.e. if it's Paid or Unpaid).
For more information about using the Invoice Status filter, please refer to this article about Viewing Uninvoiced Lessons.
Viewing When A Lesson Was Completed: A lesson is "Completed" when its status is changed from Scheduled to Attended, Cancelled, or Missed (or a custom status). Since Teachworks records a time stamp of when a lesson's status is updated, you can use the Lesson History by Student Table to quickly check time stamps for lesson completions by following the steps in this article: Viewing When a Lesson Was Completed.
Completing Lessons: The table can also be used to complete lessons (including multiple lessons at once) by clicking the boxes in the far left column of a lesson's row. You can then use the dropdown menu that appears to set lesson statuses in bulk.
Viewing Lesson Notes: The Lesson History by Student Table makes it easy to quickly read through and edit lesson notes. The table can also be used to check for Unsent Notes that need to be sent to customers. For more information about using the Lesson History by Student Table to view lesson notes, please refer to this article about Viewing Lesson Notes.
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