Profiles added through the Website Booking Plugin will have a "Pending Status" (if an exact match isn't found in Teachworks). You can activate a "Pending" profile to create a new profile or you can merge it into an existing profile.
You can find the steps for using each of these methods below:
Method 1 - Activate to Create a New Profile
You can activate "Pending" profiles by following the steps below:
- Click on "Calendar" and then click on "Lesson Bookings".
- Click on the "Pending" link next to the client you'd like to activate.
- In the pop-up, select "Activate without merging" in the "Choose Customer Action" field.
- Click on "Submit" to activate the client and create a new profile.
If you have the “Lesson Bookings” widget on your dashboard, you can quickly activate new clients by clicking on the red “Client Pending” link and choosing an action.
Method 2 - Merge into Existing Profile
If the "Pending" profile is for an existing client but a match wasn't found (IE: the spelling submitted with the booking didn't match their name on the profile) you can merge the pending profile into the client profile by following the steps below:
- Click on "Calendar" and then click on "Lesson Bookings".
- Click on the "Pending" link next to the client you'd like to activate.
- In the pop-up, select "Merge with Existing Customer" or "Merge with Existing Child Student" in the "Choose Customer Action" field.
- Click on "Submit" to merge the profile to an existing customer or child student's profile.
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