Lesson Summary Report



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    Brian Devine

    I would like for this feature to have the option to search information centered on options other than "Lessons".  The problem for me is that the central search criteria cannot be centered on Teachers.  So if I want to find out how well teachers are performing, there is no way to do so.  For example, if I want to know the re-enrollment rate for each teacher, I should be able to search center the search on the teacher for a given time period(like January) and generate a total number of students.  Then I could do the same search for February an compare the numbers to see how many students the teacher has retained.  As far as I can tell, to find this type of information in lesson summaries, I would need to search for how many lessons the teacher has sorted by student name and then download that as a spreadsheet, and then either manually count the student's names or put it into a filter to delete duplicates.  Setting up our own API for getting this information seems like a really big project for gathering such simple information.

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