Subjects can be set on student and teacher profiles and are useful for searching and matching students with teachers.
Adding Subjects
You can add subjects by following the steps below:
- Click on "Students" and then click on "Students" and click on the "Standard Subjects" option on the right-hand side. You can access this table from the Employee List as well.
- Click on the "Add Subject" option on the right-hand side.
- Enter the subject name and a description in the "Description" field (optional) and then click on "Save" to create the subject. You can also click on the "Save & Add Another" button if you want to create additional subjects.
Adding Multiple Subjects
You can add multiple subjects by following these steps:
- Click on "Students" and then click on "Students" and click on the "Standard Subjects" option on the right-hand side. You can access this table from the Employee List as well.
- Click on the "Add Multiple Subjects" option on the right-hand side.
- Enter one or more subject names separated by commas and click "Save" when you are finished.
Viewing Standard Subjects
If you would like to view the list of standard subjects you have created, click on the "Standard Subjects" link on the right-hand side of the Students table or Employee List.
Adding Subjects from Profiles
If you're creating a profile for a new student or teacher and one of their subjects isn't currently in your Standard Subjects list, you can add it from the profile using the "Subjects" field by clicking the "Add New Subject" link and entering the subject name in the form that appears.
Merging Subjects
If you have subjects that you would like to combine into a single subject, you can combine them using the "Merge" feature. You can follow the steps below to merge subjects:
- Click on "Students" and then click on "Students". (You can also use the Employee List).
- Click on "Standard Subjects" on the right-hand side.
- Click on the "Merge" icon next to the subject you'd like to merge.
- Select the subject you want to merge it with.
- Click on the "Submit" button.
The subjects will be combined and any students or teachers that were associated with the original subject will now be associated with the new subject.
Deleting Subjects
If you would like to delete a subject, you can follow the steps below:
- Click on "Students" and then click on "Students". (You can also use the Employee List).
- Click on "Standard Subjects" on the right-hand side.
- Click on the "Delete" button in the row of the subject you'd like to delete.
Giving Your Staff Permission to Add / Edit Standard Subjects
If you want your staff to be able to add or edit standard subjects, you will need to set the "Services" permission on their user account to "Manage".
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